Astro Neha Astrology, Numerology & Vastu Mon, 07 Nov 2022 07:58:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Astro Neha 32 32 11 या 12 अगस्‍त ज‍ानिए कब है रक्षाबंधन का पर्व. Mon, 07 Nov 2022 07:58:44 +0000 हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार प्रत्येक वर्ष श्रावण माह के शुक्ल पक्ष की पूर्णिमा तिथि पर रक्षाबंधन का त्योहार मनाया जाता है। रक्षाबंधन का पर्व भाई-बहन के आपस में स्नेह और प्रेम का प्रतीक है इस बार रक्षाबंधन पर भद्रा का साया रहने वाला  है.सावन मास की शुक्ल पक्ष की पूर्णिमा तिथि 11 अगस्त को सुबह 10 बजकर 38 मिनट पर शुरू हो रही है, जो 12 अगस्त को सुबह 07 बजकर 06 मिनट तक रहेगी। लेकिन सावन पूर्णिमा शुरू होते है भद्रा भी लग जा रही है जो 11 अगस्त को रात 8 बजकर 52 मिनट तक रहेगी। शास्त्रों का मत है कि भद्रा काल में राखी का त्योहार नहीं मनाना चाहिए.भद्रा काल में राखी बांधना अशुभ माना जाता है। इसके अलावा अन्य कोई भी शुभ या मांगलिक कार्य भद्रा में करना वर्जित है।. ज्योतिषी डॉ. नेहा शिवगोत्रा जी ने बताया कि भद्रा समाप्त होने पर रात 08 बजकर 54 मिनट से रात 09 बजकर 49 मिनट तक राखी बांध सकते हैं,या तो 12 अगस्त को प्रताकाल 7 बजे तक राखी बांध सकते हैं.

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साल का आखिरी चंद्र ग्रहण 8 को, जान लें सूतक काल टाइम और भारत में ग्रहण दिखने की समय Mon, 07 Nov 2022 07:53:54 +0000 08 नवंबर, मंगलवार को देश-दुनिया में साल 2022 का आखिरी ग्रहण देखने को मिलेगा। 15 दिनों के अंतराल पर यह दूसरा ग्रहण होगा इसके पहले बीते 25 अक्तूबर को साल का आखिरी सूर्य ग्रहण लगा था। भारत में इस चंद्र ग्रहण को देखा जा सकेगा जिसके कारण ग्रहण का सूतक काल मान्य होगा।ग्रहण की शुरुआत भारतीय समय के अनुसार दोपहर दो बजकर 41 मिनट से होगी और ये शाम छह बजकर 20 मिनट तक रहेगा.  ज्योतिषी डॉ. नेहा शिवगोत्रा के अनुसार, भारत में चंद्रग्रहण चंद्र उदय के साथ शाम 5:20 से दिखने लगेगा. यह चंद्रग्रहण मेष राशि में होगा. सूतक ग्रहण से 9 घंटे पहले यानी सुबह 8:20 से शुरू हो जाएगा और ये शाम 6:20 पर समाप्त हो जाएगा.ग्रहण काल में कुछ बातों का खास ध्यान रखना चाहिए. सूतक शुरू होने से पहले ही घर में रखी हुई खाद्य सामग्रियों में कुश या तुलसी के पत्ते डाल देने चाहिए. ऐसा इसलिए किया जाता है क्योंकि सूतक काल में खाने-पीने की चीजें अशुद्ध हो जाती हैं और तुलसी या कुश डाल देने से वो चीजें शुद्ध बनी रहती हैं. चंद्र ग्रहण के दौरान किसी भी तरह के शुभ और मांगलिक कार्यों को करने की मनाही होती है. चंद्र ग्रहण के दौरान चंद्र मंत्रों का जप करें।
Astrologer & Numerologist
Dr.neha shivgotra.

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30 अप्रैल को होगा साल का पहला सूर्य ग्रहण, जानिये इससे जुड़ी कुछ खास बातें Fri, 06 May 2022 07:06:09 +0000 साल का पहला सूर्य ग्रहण 30 अप्रैल को शनि अमावस्या के दिन लग रहा है। सूर्य ग्रहण की घटना खगोलीय घटना है जिसे वैदिक ज्योतिष के नजरिए से भी महत्वपूर्ण माना जाता है। धार्मिक मान्यताओं अनुसार ग्रहण लगना शुभ नहीं माना जाता है। इसलिए इस दौरान कई कार्यों को करने की मनाही होती है। सूर्यग्रहण 30 अप्रैल को मध्यरात्रि 12 बजकर 15 मिनट से शुरू होगा और सुबह 4 बजकर 7 मिनट तक रहेगा. यह आंशिक सूर्यग्रहण होगा. यह सूर्यग्रहण दक्षिण अमेरिका के दक्षिणी पश्चिमी हिस्से, प्रशांत महासागर, अटलांटिक और अंटार्कटिका में नजर आएगा. डॉ नेहा शिवगोत्रा ​​जी ने बताया कि भारत में यह सूर्य ग्रहण नजर नहीं आएगा, इसलिए यहां पर इसका सूतक काल (Sutak Kaal) प्रभावी नहीं माना जाएगा.
Neha shivgotra
Astrologer &Numerologist

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Horoscope 2022: Check out the predictions for your Zodiac sign Fri, 06 May 2022 07:01:13 +0000 A new year always motivates us to be the best version of ourselves and continue to work hard. let’s cheer to 2022 and say goodbye to 2021 and worries and pandemics.

Let 2022 level up our consciousness and bring growth, success, and happiness.

Aries: You want to level up in life but feel stuck. You can expect your growth in the mid of 2022 as the planet of abundance, Venus enters your sign in May, be ready to enjoy the perks of your hard work. Look for short-term gains in terms of investments. cheerful communication with family and loved ones is a blessing to your love life. A great year ahead. Stay focused!

Taurus: This year you will receive a major push from the universe to transform into a more evolved version of yourself. communication flows like water, especially in your love life. This is an ideal time to have conversations about moving in together. New beginnings are all around you, and remember, the best is yet to come.

Gemini: Identity what you want, and then map out a plan to get it. You may get some exciting news about money during this time. Expect romantic dates, relax at home and set intentions, which will help you manifest the career, the final few months are about action and results.

Cancer: You’re empathetic, creative, and emotional. Never conflate emotional depth with weakness. The first half of 2022 asked you to step up as a nurturer for the people you love. But the second half of the year, darling Cancer, is all about getting what you want.

Leo: Financial conditions will improve this year. A positive professional relationship with your seniors will directly impact your reputation at work. Focus more on your health this year. Good food habits and lifestyle modification are the need of the hour. Stay healthy!

Virgo: The year will bring great hope for you. It seems that money, property, fame, and success will be waiting for you this year. You will get the full result of your labor. You will not be worried about any matter. This year, enjoy the company of new friends, & acquaintances.

Libra: Time to re-establish your goals regarding love and money. Explore self-soothing techniques to keep your emotions in check at work brainstorm, learn, and soak up new information that will benefit you in the latter part of this year.

Scorpio: Scorpio natively! As per the yearly horoscope 2022, you will have a pleasant time this year. On the professional front, you will grab success on finger clicks. Be calculative, rethink before investing money or seek advice from a learned person. mixed results in terms of love matter are expected.

Sagittarius: Hey Sagittarius! This year think out of the box and test your luck, both financially and professionally. new sources of employment hit around the middle of the year. Be patient and take the right decision according to the situation.

Capricorn: You may feel overloaded with work this year as you believe in long-term gains rather than choosing shortcuts. Try to balance between professional and personal front, although your professional status will rise and you will make contacts with influential people which will enhance your career prospects this year. Adopt clean food habits and indulge in yoga and meditation to balance out emotions. Stay healthy!

Aquarius: Be dynamic in your approach to attract the opportunities ahead .you can face some stiff competition but your high energy will tilt the balance in your favour .set high targets ! Be proactive .

Pisces: Work-related travel is in your chart this year. Utilize your experience to catch new opportunities and build trust with your coworkers to get the best out of them .exiting relationships will blossom leading to beautiful memories and a cheerful year ahead.

(The writer of this article is a renowned astrologer and numerologist. For more details please visit)

Dr. Neha shivgotra

Astrolger & Numerologist.

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Confidence and self worth Thu, 05 May 2022 14:56:42 +0000 Let us talk about the new pace where people are extraordinary with their knowledge skills but bizarre they lack things to see over it that are they finding difficulity to achieve their goals or remain elusive. Then “interrogatory” why dreams remains in circle? Where they are lacking? What restrict them? What easily is troubling and frustrating them. This is due to lack of self confidence and self worth! That is concealed. They always remain blind in their dark side of life by not mending it. So to crack these eggs of huge questions of you people that lack of self confidence and self worth are barrier of yours to reach to sky full of stars, here are some tips that can help you to brick your self confidence, as it is known that it is a learned trait not present from your born day. So here it goes ‘follow these steps and breakdown your barriers”.


What we people are addicted with is to start comparing us with others in daily epoch. If you not stop, it would destroy your confidence and make you feel cramped. So, spring your own life and keep moving in the direction of yours goals and aspirations without worrying about what others are doing.


Avert people and places that treat you awkwardly. Remember, one negative thought can be enough to dwindle everything after your best efforts. So walk away!


Try to figure out yourself; Get to know yourself sooner than later! With the speed world is moving, it has become a necessity to be self loving and confident. Always stay busy by engaging yourself in different learning sessions, like singing, dancing, cooking, horse riding, sports or makeup / beauty classes or whatever you like to do. And the most important is that trust on your judgement.


A lot of times, we tend to put down ourselves seeing the progress in others. What we must do is work hard on ourselves and not let other things control our thoughts. Seeing a third person progress should only be a motivation for us, to perform better and not a means to block our growth.


More knowledge gives you more confidence and definitely an edge over others. Indulge in reading and gaining knowledge. Empowering yourself with knowledge is the best strategy for building self-confidence.


Criticising yourself for everything, thinking negatively about yourself, feeling you are not enough can lead to emotional turmoil and low self-esteem. Remember to love or self appreciate yourself first. Practise self-love, honour your needs and desires and believe in yourself. Try to appreciate yourself and tell yourself all the amazing qualities you have, weather it is about your body, personality, character, anything! Tell yourself how amazing person you are and keep telling until you start believing it subconsciously.


Keep an eye on your way of living. By adopting a healthy life style you would build your confidence. Have you ever noticed the level of satisfaction that comes when you exercise, eat and sleep well that day? Do try clean eating and exercise regularly it would make u feel much better and more confident.


Improve your posture like standing straight, tall with your chest up and shoulder back look way more confident than slouching. Posture and body language plays a huge role in building up confidence. So, try it!


Many successful people are doing it even after they achieved a lot. And the little secret is that saying things in front of a mirror really does make you more and more confident. You will be giving yourself a dose of self esteem and motivational boost.In the end I would share a powerful tip, share your skills as it grows your confidence and you should be more thankful to yourself for what you have .Always keep a smile on it boost confidence and bring positivity.

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The Moon affects on human behaviour / Dark side of moon Thu, 05 May 2022 14:53:42 +0000 “The planetoid we call our moon affects many things in our world and on our planet earth, including us!”

Known and accepted has natural satellite! A moon, circle a planet and affects the tide and the motion and the orbital of earth. But how does it affect the human behaviour and psychological and spiritual health?

The various moon phases which we see in one month are now being scientifically proven to affect us in different way.

The time of both full moon and new moon appear to influence us most. Various psychological behaviours / trends being recorded indicate the influence of moon causing recognising affecting on humans. Many have long known this! For example, rising crime and deterioration in physical health is seen at full moon periods. More accidents, violent behaviours and physical illness is also seen. The moon as with many aspects of our world has a great ability to affect our moods and influence our behaviours and decisions. In astrology moon is significator of emotions. Liquids, mother, metal peace, water, conceptions, birth of child, union and infant stage, it represents the 4th house (lord SHIVA) and cancer sign. It is seen exalted in Taurus.

-Someone famous in Source Title

Sign cancer is ruled by moon, which is movable (char)
and represent kaph (phlegm) temperament. Its profound connection to water represents our emotions and the innate depths of our subconscious mind. it powerfully affects the female menstruation and the tides on earth. The full moon often naturally includes pregnant woman (with watery womb) to go in labour & give birth. If seen from spirituality point many religious rituals from different religion are done with respect to moon.
Does the moon actually make people crazy? Well, astrologically moon represent (mind).afflicted moon may leads to sufferings negative thinking, depression and psychological problems.

As we know moon travels in each sign in approx. 2.14 half day and one day in nakshtra. Affliction of moon if it sit with malefic or in wrong house and side wise position of mercury is also affected coz mercury represent intelligence &day to behaviour so if it is affected mind is lost in deep fantasy. He astrologer always cheek the affliction with aspect of others planets, conjunctions, house & rashi and also cheek degree of the planet to come to conclusion. In general conjunction like (Saturn +moon) gives depression in a native. Conjunction of (mars+moon) give violent behaviour in a native .All these are seen with respect to above mentioned, dasha, degree, dasha, rashi, house, mahadasha and anterdasha respectively.

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Numerology Decoding Secrets Thu, 05 May 2022 14:06:15 +0000 “WHAT ABOUT A WOMB, IT BLUEPRINTS A DATE AND DATE DETERMINES A FORTUNE”

Numerology is angelic science aiming to ameliorate the virtue of life. The number system in numerology predicts numerous things which are going to help a man to live his life better. Once thought of as a math and science, numerology is now seen as an occult study, used for astrology and divinatory arts.

“Numerology is the language of numbers and their symbolic significance. Each number has its own vibration and its own vibratory influence. Based on the belief that a person comes into life on a certain date with a certain name, numerology uses numbers to describe who a person is and what map is designed for his or her zest. Every letter of the alphabet from A to Z has a definite quiver number behind it. The letter of the alphabet is identified and related to a particular number. “

– Someone Famous

Through Numerology you can: Uncover the hidden aspects of your psyche, career, family and Gain deeper knowledge and a clear idea of your destiny.

According to numerologists, everything in the world is dependent upon the mystical properties of numbers. These properties come from the numbers’ inherent vibration. Predictions are generally based on the nine planets as per Astrological science. These planets are the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Each of the planets is designated with a number ranging between 1 and 9. The nine planets are considered to lay a significant impact on a human’s life. Nowadays numerology is vastly used before choosing names for companies, business, baby, home, vehicle and phone to align with self. One can also choose its carrier according to his/her life path number. For instance, people having number 6, may opt for fashion designing or interior decoration or acting field as a carrier. Number 6 denotes creativity, love, ability to use the imagination and is ruled by Venus. These anagogic numbers are considered lucky and unlucky too, number 7 which is widely choose and on the other hand number 13 which is avoided mostly. Number 13 and 7 plays a contrary role in game of numbers. There always seen as tug of war as both have their own significance where 7 is to be told to be lucky,13 is a number considered to bring bad luck. Many buildings don’t have 13 no. floor, in hospitals setup, hospital beds ,operating rooms,& maternity units have avoided resuming room no 13.there are many untold stories behind number 13 around the world. In west it is totally contradicted but in east it is considered somewhere lucky. The number 13 always remain in debate, but according to me it means “Tera” in Hindi means all of god therefore a powerful number spiritually. Talking about Hinduism there are 7 chakras and” Pythagorean” contemplate number 7 to be perfect. It is most preferable number. It has resonance which determines high intuitive, analytical ,spiritual, vibes and the people who are blesses with this lucky number are born healers and act as a light for others, therefore drawn to mysticism& occult. Success includes in all endeavours. You may be hugely surprised but even your phone number is linked to specific vibration which comes by adding digits to single .many people have benefitted by taking the assistance of numerology. In numerology, the essence of every personality is found in the destiny number. It gives you an indication of your life purpose and also indicates what challenges, tendencies, and obstacles will come into play throughout your life. So as mystical divination tool numerology is used to decode secrets.

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